
mail di addio

Hi to everyone,

I am writing this e-mail to thank all of you for everything you did for me during the last year. Me and my wife have decided to relocate to a closer place to my home town (Sanremo) in Italy. A good opportunity arised and so we decided to move to Antibes (south of France) just 80 Km from Sanremo. This relocation was in our future plans even if we didnt expect to move so early. At the beginning we wanted to stay in UK for at least 3-4 yrs, but sometimes in life you need to take difficoult decisions. And believe me this has been the most difficoult decision I've ever taken... I had a wonderful experience in Accenture and I will never forget it, I have known so many people, I have made so many life experiences and I have been through so many challenges, I had really a good time. It has been my privilege to work with you in such a great firm. At the same time life goes on, there are some trains that you need to catch if you want to find the best balance between everything that is important for you, and I am ready for the new adventure, hoping that it will confirm my expectations and that I did't make a big mistake:-)

my private e-mail is XXXX@XXXX.XX

keep in touch

thank you very much indeed

cheers and good luck


9 commenti:

Anonimo ha detto...

no mistake, no remorse!
welcome back my friend!

Anonimo ha detto...

no remorse, no regrets!
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